School or Public Tours Survey

The Public Education Committee of the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association has developed a survey to assist in identifying drinking water and wastewater facilities which offer  tours to school students or community residents. Citizen outreach is vital for educating the public:
  1. On the important role our profession has with respect to health and safety and being first responders in an emergency situation;
  2. To realize the importance of water quality; and
  3. To understand the need for maintaining current systems as well as, replacing outdated infrastructure and delivery systems.
Facility tours are an excellent opportunity to educate not only students and resident, but current civic leaders (and future leaders) on the importance of providing quality water and maintaining a quality environment, in addition to how both impact the local economy and lives of citizens.
The results of this survey will provide a searchable database that can be used by teachers, Scout leaders, etc. to locate a facility near them which offers public tours. By participating, you will be providing a valuable education tool to members of your community.

Facility Tour Survey Form (WORD)

Complete the Online Survey

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PWEA Board Meeting, 10AM - 2PM

In-Person at Shippensburg Conference Center OR virtual. Link will be sent to board...

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2025 PA DEP Operator Certification Exams

The Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA) is offering PA DEP Operator...

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