Public Education Toolbox

We all recognize that it is important to communicate to our customers. Many communities have newsletters and websites that would welcome informational or educational articles. The PWEA Public Education Committee has been gathering relevant and basic articles that can be edited and easily adapted for use within your community and is pleased to offer this communication tool. If you don’t have time to write an article or simply don’t like to write, visit the PWEA “Public Education Toolbox.” The “Public Education Toolbox” includes a list of editable documents that can be downloaded. The posted articles are not copyrighted, which allows anyone the ability to edit and adapt them to their specific use. The articles posted have been freely donated by the authors with no conditions or promises attached. Articles include, but not be limited to, topics such as FOG, sewers, biosolids, and easements. By opening, viewing and/or downloading the articles and information provided, you automatically agree to the following terms and conditions:
  1. The articles and information are to be used for non- profit purposes only and are intended for general information purposes.
  2. By opening, viewing, or downloading any of these files, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the PWEA, the PWEA Public Education Committee and its members, the author(s) of the content, and all PWEA Board members from any and all liability that may arise as a result of your use and/or dissemination of any of this information.
  3. The PWEA does not guarantee the accuracy of any content and is not responsible for the manner of use of any content.

If you would like to contribute an article you've written, please email it to

Informational Brochures/Fact Sheets

What is the Difference between Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment (PDF)
Management of Sewer Laterals to Reduce Potential for Cross-Bores (PDF)
Guidelines for Proper Disposal of Prescription Drugs and Medications (PDF)
Sump Pumps Into the Sanitary Sewer Cause Big Problems (PDF)
Protect Your Sewers: Landscape and Plant Wisely (PDF)
The FOG Monster: Fats, Oils & Grease (PDF)
Disposable vs. Flushable - To Flush or Not to Flush (PDF)
Inflow and Infiltration (PDF)

Informational Articles

I'm Trapped (WORD DOC)
Why Didn't They Put In the Right Size Sewer To Start With (WORD DOC)
To Flush or Not to Flush (WORD DOC)
Yard Waste Fertilizer Disposal (WORD DOC)
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (WORD DOC)
Disposing of Wipes Into Sewer System Causing Pump Failures (WORD DOC)
Proper Sewer Maintenance (WORD DOC)
Household Hazardous Waste (WORD DOC)
Sump Pumps Into The Sanitary Sewer Cause Big Problems (WORD DOC)
A Partnership for Today and Tomorrow - Our Watershed and Your Township (WORD DOC)
Sewer Information For Your Customers (WORD DOC)
Smoke Testing Is Coming To Your Township! (WORD DOC)
The Grease Monster - Fats, Oils & Grease (WORD DOC)
Tree Roots - Are You a Victim of the Root Ogre (WORD DOC)
What Is Sewer Televising (WORD DOC)
What Is the PA One Call System (WORD DOC)
You Can Help - Protect the Environment and Control Costs (WORD DOC)
Infiltration & Inflow (WORD DOC)
Landscape & Plant Wisely! (WORD DOC)
Hidden Cleanouts - A Horror Story (WORD DOC)
Guidelines For Proper Disposal of Prescription Drugs (WORD DOC)
FAQ Regarding Land Application of Biosolids (WORD DOC)
FAQ Regarding Easements (WORD DOC)
Don't Tread on Me - Manhole Covers on Your Property (WORD DOC)
Dealing With Sewers and Preventing Backups (WORD DOC)
Beware of the Unflushables (WORD DOC)

Articles Related to Biosolids

Biosolids Facts #1 (PDF)
Biosolids Facts #2 (PDF)
Biosolids Require Balanced Perspective (PDF)
Biosolids Technology Forum Summary Report (PDF)
Biosolids, A Low-Cost Fertilizer Option (PDF)
Expert Panel Concludes Biosolids Are Safe (PDF)
What Are People Saying About Biosolids Recycling (WORD DOC)
Studies On The Safety of Biosolids Recycling (WORD DOC)

Information Related to Non-flushable Wipes

Water Environment Federation 
Bill Stuffers 
Maine Water Environment Association

Washington Post Article

Why You Probably Shouldn't Flush Flushable Wipes

Upcoming Events


PWEA Board Meeting, 10AM - 2PM

In-Person at Shippensburg Conference Center OR virtual. Link will be sent to board...

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2025 PA DEP Operator Certification Exams

The Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA) is offering PA DEP Operator...

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