Position Statements & Fact Sheets


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  2. By opening, viewing, or downloading any of these files, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the PWEA, the PWEA Public Education Committee and its members, the author(s) of the content, and all PWEA Board members from any and all liability that may arise as a result of your use and/or dissemination of any of this information.
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Alternate Technologies (4/2023)

Biosolids (12/2022)

Combined Sewer Overflows (12/2022)

Community Stormwater Conveyance Infrastructure on Private Property (12/2022)

Disinfection (2/2021)

Financial Sustainability for Wastewater Infrastructure (12/2022)

Non-Flushable and Flushable Labelled Products (12/2022)

PFAS (Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances) (12/2022)

Renewable Energy Generation from Wastewater (4/2023)

Wastewater Systems Operations Professionals Certification and Training (2/2021)

Wet Weather-Separate Sanitary Sewer Collection and Conveyance Systems Position Statement (2/2021)


Management of Sewer Laterals to Reduce Potential for Cross-Bores

Upcoming Events


PWEA Presents: “Due Process for Public Sector Employees” a Lunchtime Webinar

PWEA is presenting an online webinar on March 6, 2026!  “Due Process...

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Lunchtime Talk with the PWEA Safety Committee

Create a Workplace Safety Committee in your workplace! The PWEA Safety Committee...

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