Member Recruitment Award
Member Recruitment Award
Description: This award was established in 1991 and is presented for excellence in new member recruitment. Award is $250. In event of a tie, the award is split equally among the winners.
Award Criteria: Nominee must have demonstrated superiority in membership recruiting by recruiting a minimum of five (5) new PWEA members in a one-year period Selection is based on the most membership applications received that indicate they referred the new member for PWEA membership.
Eligibility: Award recipient must be a current member in good standing of the PWEA.
Nomination Process: The PWEA Administrative Office is responsible for submitting a recommendation to the Awards Committee; the Awards Committee is responsible for making the final selection of an award recipient.
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PWEA Board Meeting - Virtual Only - 10AM
Virtual only - meeting link will be sent to board membersView event details
6th Annual Water-Themed Trivia Night, Hosted by PA-AWWA & PWEA YP's
Join us for the 6th Annual Water-Themed Trivia Night, hosted by PA-AWWA and...View event details